Manufacturing Reports                                                        

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Manufacturing Order Status

This report shows the status of manufacturing orders, item, quantity ordered, date ordered, requested receipt date, and whether manufactured yet. The receipt date and quantity print for each receipt. The report may be filtered to show only orders for a selected status (work sheet, on order, completed, cancelled) or item.


Quantity Available (MRP)

This report shows current inventory levels and extrapolates into the future as the inventory is depleted by sales orders, increased by purchase orders, manufactured goods increased by manufacturing orders, and materials (raw materials, packaging materials, and intermediate items) depleted by usage for manufacturing orders. The report highlights if the current inventory level or future inventory level will fall below the Minimum Quantity specified for each item.


It is used for MRP (Material Requirement Planning) for materials required for production, for scheduling manufacturing (together with the resource scheduling reports), shipping of sales orders, and purchasing. The report may be filtered to show only data for a selected item type or item, or only items below minimum.


Tip: You can extend the range of this report by entering dummy sales orders and manufacturing orders to show forecasted future demand, planned production, and resulting material requirements.


Resource Scheduling

This report facilitates scheduling manufacturing (which orders), labor and equipment by showing the total hours required for each order for each resource per day for the selected date range based on the outstanding manufacturing orders. The report may be filtered to show only data for a selected resource.


Resource Scheduling Summary

This report facilitates scheduling labor and equipment by showing the total hours required for each resource per day for the selected date range based on the outstanding manufacturing orders. The report may be filtered to show only data for a selected resource.


Material and Resource Usage by Receipt

This report shows standard and actual usage and variances for materials and resources, for each receipt for the selected date range, sorted by order. This facilitates the monitoring of production costs, monitoring for production problems, and tracking quantity variances and substitutions. The report may be filtered to show only data for a selected item.


Tip: If separate receipts are entered for materials used and product produced, then the report by order would be better for tracking variances.


Material and Resource Usage by Order (with option for WIP)

This report shows standard and actual usage and variances for materials and resources, summarized by order. This facilitates the monitoring of production costs, monitoring for production problems, tracking quantity variances and substitutions, and monitoring the profitability of custom orders. The report may be filtered to show only data for a selected item, WIP only (Work in Process: orders worked on with status still on order), and/or only orders which had any receipts in the selected date range. Note that if an order is included, all receipt data is included, not just receipts falling within the selected date range. If WIP is selected, then the value of WIP shows in the variance column (actual costs - standard costs for any items already produced).


Material and Resource Usage by Item

This report shows standard and actual usage and variances for materials and resources, summarized by item, based on receipts for the selected date range. This facilitates the monitoring of production costs, tracking of quantity variances and substitutions, and setting of accurate product standards. The report may be filtered to show only data for a selected item.


This report should be used for fine tuning the waste percentages. The report shows the actual waste percentage so you can potentially enter this to the item materials. It doesn't show the actual quantity used per unit as that would be confusing: the user might think they should be changing the item materials utopian quantity to this, but this should not be changed, as it is the ideal/perfect quantity. Instead the waste percentage should be adjusted.


Tip: Improving the accurancy of the product standards improves the accuracy of the scheduling, material and resource planning, and costing reports. And if actual usage is only tracked occasionally (for initially setting product standards and periodic spot checking), then the accuracy of the calculated usage (manufacturing receipts defaults) and resulting inventory levels depends on the accuracy of the product standards.


Resource Usage Summary

This report facilitates setting the standard cost per hour for equipment by showing the total hours used for each resource for the selected date range. The report may be filtered to show only data for a selected resource.



These list screens have a print option, and can be filtered and sorted in different sequences.

Items has options to print the materials and resources with costs for a selected item or all manufactured items.

Manufacturing Orders

Manufacturing Receipts

Resources (labor and equipment)



An ODBC driver is available (free upon request for end-user versions of Pilot) for creation of custom reports via MS Access or Crystal Reports, mail merge with MS Word, and to import Pilot data to MS Excel, etc.