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Reports - Accounts Receivable menu.


Open Receivables (Aged)

This report shows outstanding (not fully paid) invoices for each customer. The age (number of days since the invoice date) of each invoice is printed and based on the age, the amount owing is printed in an age column (current, over 30, over 60, etc).


The report prints customer totals for amount owing, current, over 30, etc. and for foreign currency customers, an extra total line prints showing the customer totals converted to domestic currency using the exchange rate specified for the currency. Final report totals are printed in domestic currency.


The report may be filtered to show only invoices for a selected currency, or for a selected customer, or customers owing more than a selected minimum amount, or who have outstanding invoices older than a specified minimum days old. Note: If a customer meets the selection criteria then all their outstanding invoices show so you can see the full picture for that customer.


The selected As of date is used for the age calculation, but is not used in the data selection. You could print a report as of the previous period-end if it took a few days after the period to finish entering invoices, so long as no invoices or payments were entered for the new period.


AR History

This report shows invoices and payments for each customer for the selected period. The report may be filtered to show only transactions for a selected currency or customer.


AR Statements

These are documents you can print and mail to your customers or fax (via print to fax if you have fax software installed) showing any outatnding (not fully paid) invoices.


You can filter to print only statements for customers of a selected currency, or for a selected customer, or customers owing more than a selected minimum amount, or who have outstanding invoices older than a specified minimum days old. Note: If a customer meets the selection criteria then all their outstanding invoices show.


The selected As of date prints on the statements and is used for the age calculation if minimum days old is selected, but it is not used in the data selection. You could print a report as of the previous period-end if it took a few days after the period to finish entering invoices, so long as no invoices or payments were entered for the new period.


Note: Unless a specific customer is selected, only customers with Print Stmt checked (on the customer Terms tab) are included.



These list screens have a print option, and can be filtered and sorted in different sequences.


AR Invoices

AR Payments

Sales Reps

Customer Types

