Sales Orders Reports

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Order Status

This report shows the status of sales orders, date ordered, requested ship date, whether shipped yet, and invoice number(s). The shipped date, warehouse, and invoice number print for each shipment. The report may be filtered to show only orders for a selected status (quote, on order, completed, cancelled), customer or item.


Order Detail

This report shows sales orders with items, quantity ordered, received, and quantity on back-order. The report may be filtered to show only orders for a selected status (quote, on order, completed, cancelled), customer or item.


Backorders by Item

This report shows customer back-orders sorted by item. These are orders that were short-shipped (on posted shipments), the customer allows backorders (Allow Backorders checked on the customer Sales tab), and the items are backorderable.


For each item, the report shows the current quantity on hand and all the outstanding backorders: quantity on backorder, order no., customer, and requested ship date, sorted by requested ship date. Total quantity on backorder is printed if there are multiple backorders.


This report facilitates the shipping of newly arrived stock to customer backorders, which should probably be treated as a higher priority than other orders. The report may be filtered to show only backorders for a selected customer, item type, or item. Tip: You can reprint a picking slip and it will show the backorder quantities on order.


Quantity Available (MRP)

This report shows current inventory levels and extrapolates into the future as the inventory is depleted by sales orders, increased by purchase orders, manufactured goods increased by manufacturing orders, and materials (raw materials, packaging materials, and intermediate items) depleted by usage for manufacturing orders. The report highlights if the current inventory level or future inventory level will fall below the Minimum Quantity specified for each item.


It is used for MRP (Material Requirement Planning) for materials required for production, for scheduling manufacturing (together with the resource scheduling reports), shipping of sales orders, and purchasing. The report may be filtered to show only data for a selected item type or item, or only items below minimum.



These list screens have a print option, and can be filtered and sorted in different sequences.

Sales Orders





An ODBC driver is available (free upon request for end-user versions of Pilot) for creation of custom reports via MS Access or Crystal Reports, mail merge with MS Word, and to import Pilot data to MS Excel, etc. There is also a free utility for importing and exporting data.