Add an Item

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Inventory 'items' (parts) represent materials or services that you manufacture, purchase and sell. Pilot ERP keeps track of the quantity on hand, value of your inventory, average cost, etc. Through inventory part items, you can keep track of how many items remain in stock after a purchase, manufacturing usage or shipment, how many items you have on order, your cost of goods sold, and the value of your inventory.


To add an item:


1.Go to the Inventory | Items screen.


2.Click "New Item" at the top left of the Item screen.


3.Pilot will automatically provide you with the next sequential Item number.  This is used to identify the unique item.  You can continue on or change the item number/code to suit your part number scheme.  This can be a descriptive name or number.


4.Select the Item Type


5.In the Description field, enter the full description of the Item.  If you do not have enough room to enter the full description of the item, you can use the Additional Info field to continue the description.


6.If known, enter the Standard Cost, Unit Weight, Qty Per Batch, Revision, applicable Tax Codes, Minimum Stock Qty, Drawing Number and Lead Time to manufacture or purchase.


7.If this item can be sold, enter the price into the Price List.


8.Click OK to save the item and go back to the Items list.